The Phenomenal Jimi Hendrix And The Naughty Details Of His Love Life

Legendary Jimi Hendrix was passionate about music and women

Peter Preskar
Lessons from History


Jimi Hendrix
Jimi Hendrix (Image: Wikimedia Commons)

Jimmy Hendrix (1942-1970) was the best electric guitar player who ever lived. He was more than just a guitar player, he was a phenomenal artist who changed the world of rock music.

He looked exotic, he was famous, he was rich, and he played guitar like he would be making love to it.

Jimi had sex with lots of women independent of their socio-economic class, the color of skin, or ethnicity. This kind of behavior was seen as very controversial in the uptight 1960s.

“Chicks were just drooling all over him. It’s because of the way he moved — like a cat crossed with a spider.”

Lemmy from Motörhead

Jimi Hendrix with a groupie
Jimi Hendrix with a groupie (Image:

“He really had no interest for anything other than music and women.So Jimmy had two areas of expertise: He had his guitar playing, and then he had an immaculate and…

