The Knocker-Upper — the Extinct Profession of Waking People up by Knocking

Since alarm clocks were unreliable, people paid knocker-uppers to wake them up on time

Peter Preskar
Lessons from History


Some knocker-uppers used long sticks to reach windows, some short batons to knock on a door, and some used peashooters (Images:

At present we are witnessing an unprecedented rate of advancement in technology. Any other time in history, the rate of change wasn’t so fast as it is today. Biotechnology, space technology, robotics, and artificial intelligence are flourishing!

We are in awe due to almost sci-fi changes in technology we are witnessing. Yet, on another hand, we are afraid of losing our jobs because of machines. Robots and computers never get tired, they don’t need to sleep, take breaks, or go on vacation.

Will the machines take our jobs? How we will survive and feed our families? These are some questions we are facing today.

Sometimes we wish we could stop all the progress or even go back in the past to keep the status quo. However, if we look back on history, there was always a change in needed professions because of technology. For example, two hundred years ago people were angry at power looms because nobody could compete in weaving against the mechanical loom. They actually destroyed these machines, yet the machines still replaced…

