Know Your Russian Useful Idiot Genocide Apologists: A and B

CIA Maidan Coup by Ukrainian Nazis Hard Left Edition

Lester Golden
Lessons from History


This far left province of Whataboutistan is filled with fossilized Leninst holdovers who thought the Soviets were a bulwark against fascism, the evil CIA and Anglo-American imperialism’s capitalist order. They fit into types A and B above.

These Marxist Rip van Winkles somehow missed the 1991 dissolution of the USSR from a mafia with a red flag to a gangster capitalist fossil-fueled mafia empire:

Today’s blocs can be defined as a Western hegemonic bloc, again led by the US, and a quickly emerging anti-hegemonic bloc, in the vanguard of which are Russia and China.

Leninists love vanguards, even if they’re kleptocratic institutional cross-dressers. Instead of the country having a mafia, the mafia has the country.

Surreal bothsides-ism and Ukrainians as passive geopolitical putty in omniscient CIA hands define Code Pinkos’ and Medium’s John Wight’s far left meets MTG/Boebert/Gosar far right. We even find the far left and far right halves of the horseshoe in the same person in ex-Democratic congresswoman turned Murdoch Fox talking head Tulsi Gabbard.

Of course, these history illiterate Russian useful idiots have no idea how Ukrainians…



Lester Golden
Lessons from History

From Latvia & Porto I write to share learning from an academic&business life in 8 languages in 5 countries & seeing fascism die in Portugal&Spain in1974 & 1976.