The Lebensborn Program — The Nazi Monstrous Initiative to Increase German Population

20,000 children were born and 200,000 children were kidnapped as part of the Lebensborn program

Peter Preskar
Lessons from History


Representative image (Image:

The Nazis encouraged German women to have as many children as possible. The propaganda claimed motherhood was the only true calling of “good” German women.

Mothers with four or more children received decorations, called “Mother’s Cross of Honour.” These mothers received preferable treatment, such as better housing, food, or clothing.

The Nazis prepared German girls for motherhood from an early age. The girls in the League of German Girls, the girl’s wing of the Hitler Youth, had to exercise a lot. The Nazis believed only the women with powerful bodies could bear lots of children.

However, the Nazis took the initiative to increase the German population even a step further. They launched a monstrous program called the Lebensborn (in the German Spring of life).

The notorious Lebensborn program

A cover page from the brochure for the Lebensborn program (Image:

