Life in Ancient Athens

A look at the average Athenian’s daily routine

Enda Harte
Lessons from History


Image from the Authors

What you leave behind is not what is engraved in stone monuments, but what is woven into the lives of others.

— Attributed to Pericles, 5th Century BCE

Ancient Athens is often referred to as the birthplace of Western thought. Whilst we have a lot to thank the Athenians for in terms of the invention of education as we know it, critical thinking, science, democracy, technology and architecture, everyday life looked a lot different back then. There were vast inequalities depending on gender, political and economic standing, for one only free men were classed as citizens, with females and slaves living a much more restrictive life.

In this article, we’ll delve into what life would have looked like as an inhabitant of Athens, in terms of their occupation; diet; how they socialised; where they lived and what family life looked like.


Athens, as a thriving and bustling coastal city boasted a vast array of different occupations of all skill sets and familial backgrounds. From high ranking jobs in the military, philosophical tutors, local government officials to the less well paying jobs such as fishing, farming and everything in between. Many made their living through the marketplace- the…

