Marjorie Taylor Greene: Putin Just Wanted To Be Our Friend

What the history of the America First Committee teaches us.

Peter Burns
Lessons from History


Marjorie Taylor Greene (Source: Wikimedia)

US Representative Marjorie Taylor Greene (R-Georgia). Even a long name and a seat in Congress doesn’t shield you from being clueless. Recently, I came across a video of her commenting on Russia’s invasion of Ukraine.

Here are some pearls of wisdom:

“The truth is… grinding up Ukraine… grinding up that country. Its infrastructure, its buildings, its schools, its ability for people to live there… and killing innocent Ukrainians, because our part in this… funding… funding… funding war. That’s what it does. We are grinding up Ukraine to fight a proxy war with Russia. That’s disgusting. And morally wrong.” — Marjorie Taylor Greene

Newsflash! The only person grinding up Ukraine is Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin.

If you thought these statements were out of touch with reality, then wait. There’s more.

“Russia could have been an ally. But now with what’s happening with Joe Biden, and the UN, and the way this is going, I don’t think Russia is going to be an ally any time to soon! Definitely not.” — Marjorie Taylor Greene

Yes sure, Russia could have been an ally. If Putin and his cronies had not been in charge…



Peter Burns
Lessons from History

A curious polymath who wants to know how everything works. Blog: Renaissance Man Journal (