Meet Daniel Lambert — An Unusually Large Man in the 1700s Who “Exhibited” His Weight for A living

And yes, he thoroughly enjoyed his life

Nikhil Vemu
Lessons from History


Image via Wikimedia Commons

The heaviest person ever recorded in the history was Jon Brower Minnoch, who weighed 1,400 lb (635 kg). However, he has a chance to blame the contemporary lifestyle of fast food and binge.

Here I’ll tell you about the fattest person alive in the early modern period, who only had himself (reportedly) to blame.

Brief description for your curiosity:

He is Mr. Daniel Lambert (1770–1809) renowned as the fattest man in England in his era.

He weighed 700 lbs (320 kg) when he received the title ‘The fattest man in England’ in 1805 surpassing the previous guy Edward Bright. And he still gained weight till his death.

Image via Wikimedia Commons

Who was Daniel Lambert?

Born in Leicester in 1770, he was the eldest of four children. His father was a gaol keeper. (*Not a typo for goal. ‘Gaol’ was predominantly ‘jail’ in British English).

