Meeting Marie Curie

The most underrated female scientist of all times

Fareeha Arshad
Lessons from History


Marie Curie | Image source: Wikimedia Commons

Being a female in research and academia is a battle on its own. Not only because there are very few women in such a field, but also because, like every other occupation, men tower like giants and overshadow most of our works.

I am not negating the contribution from my male colleagues. I can never do that. Both my supervisors are men, and I genuinely respect their works. It’s just that, despite living in the 21st century, women are never appreciated for their works the way our male counterparts are recognized.

I can only imagine the daily discrimination women scientists in the past faced — their struggles of being underestimated because of their gender.

Madame Curie: The legend

Anybody who studied science to some extent would have heard her name. Marie Curie was one of the great scientists ever to live.

She discovered radioactive elements, polonium and radium, that changed the face of pure sciences and technological advancements. It was her discovery that paved the way towards evolution in medicine and the development of atomic bombs.

Curie’s achievement was unparalleled throughout history. She was the first and the only woman who was given the Nobel Prizes in…

