Mileva Marić Einstein: From a Wonder Woman to Albert Einstein’s Shadow

She never fulfilled her dreams

Maria Milojković, MA
Lessons from History


Mileva Marić Einstein and Albert Einstein in 1912
Mileva and Albert Einstein in 1912 | Image from Wikipedia, altered by the author

Some people are born with immense potential but never achieve it. Their rich dad may pull a few strings and they may have friends in high places but it’s all in vain.

If she hadn’t been so smart, Mileva Marić’s life would have been easier. But she lived in the wrong era and married the wrong guy — the most influential physicist of the 20th century. And he was far from good husband material.

Who would have known? Mileva’s future looked so promising when she was young.

The girl who wanted to be a scientist

Mileva Marić was lucky. She was born into a wealthy family of a court clerk in Novi Sad, Serbia. In December 1875, Miloš Marić and his wife Marija got a daughter and surrounded her with love and affection. Later, they also got a son Miloš Jr. and another daughter Zorka but Mileva was special from early childhood, so they had high hopes for her.

At school, the girl was smart and well-behaved. Still, there was a catch: She wanted to study men’s subjects like physics and math. At the time women didn’t even have the right to vote, let alone become scientists. Finding a husband was their pinnacle of success.



Maria Milojković, MA
Lessons from History

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