The Horrific Nazi Treatment of Gays — The Sad Story of Pink Men

“The Nazis stuck 25 centimeters of wood up my ass”

Peter Preskar
Lessons from History


Gay prisoners in a Nazi concentration camp, wearing a pink triangle (Image: Wikimedia Commons)

The treatment of prisoners in Nazi concentration camps was cruel and disgusting. Yet, there was a caste of prisoners who were considered the lowest of the low by the camp guards and even by the fellow prisoners — gay men.

The treatment of the gays in the Nazi concentration camps was truly horrific. Gay men were used for medical experiments and as shooting targets. The guards would aim for the pink triangles on their chests that symbolized their sexual orientation.

They were tortured, experimented on, and ridiculed. They were beaten to death by their fellow prisoners. They received the most dangerous task in the camp’s stone quarries and factories.

“The Nazis stuck 25 centimeters of wood up my ass.”

Pierre Seel, a gay Holocaust survivor

The notorious Paragraph 175

Graphs with the number of convictions due to Paragraph 175 (Image: Wikimedia Commons)

In 1871, the law known as Paragraph 175 came into force in the German Empire. It made homosexual…

