Nine More Pictures From the Titanic Disaster With Tragic Backstories

The story of the Titanic continued in pictures.

The True Historian
Lessons from History


The RMS Titanic left Southampton, England, on April 10, 1912, and sank on April 14, 1912, just a few days into her first trip to New York City. The ship perished after colliding with an iceberg and breaking apart in the early hours of the following morning.

One of the deadliest commercial maritime disasters that occurred during a time of peace in contemporary history was the sinking of the Titanic. Because she was the largest and most opulent ship available during her day, she had a unique place in history.

Her narrative has and continues to captivate the interest of millions of people, and the debris of the RMS Titanic is also a topic that receives a lot of attention. Here are nine pictures demonstrating the tragic story of the marvelous ship and her passengers.

1. Before Disaster Struck

Image Source: Pinterest (Public Domain)

Hugh Walter McElroy, the ship’s purser, and Captain Edward J. Smith, the ship’s captain, both served on the Titanic when it sailed from Southampton to Queenstown, Ireland. Reverend F.M. Browne, the individual who was credited with taking the shot, disembarked at Queenstown three days before the ship collided with an iceberg and drowned!



The True Historian
Lessons from History

Archivist, Historian, and Doctoral Student | Anti-Slavery Activist and DEI Advocate