Notes Of A Skeptical Zionist

Or… what happens when everyone’s right?

Andrew Katz
Lessons from History


Israel Day Parade, Manhattan/photo by author

“…I say this race [the Jews], despised and weak, is universal, all powerful, and cannot be put down.”

Colonel Sir Mark Sykes, British diplomat, in a letter to Faisal I bin Hussein

Jewish history is more than just the Macabbean revolt against Antiochus Epiphanes, the Jewish Wars against Rome, the Rhineland massacres, mass expulsions from Western Europe, the pura sangre movement and Inquisition in Spain, pogroms in Eastern Europe, and the Holocaust.

But it is them, too.

Long live France! You are degrading an innocent man!

Portrait of Herzl by Carl Pietzner/public domain

Thus cried Captain Alfred Dreyfus as his sword was broken, the epaulets ripped from his shoulders, and the buttons to his uniform sliced off. Among the many who witnessed the Jewish officer’s official degradation as a traitor to France, was a young Austrian correspondent for the Neue Frei Presse, Theodore Herzl.



Andrew Katz
Lessons from History

LA born & raised, now I live upstate. I hate snow. I write on healthcare, politics & history. Hobbies are woodworking & singing Xmas carols with nonsense lyrics