Palestinians’ Wish Granted. Israelis Return to Where They Came From

Palestine free, from the river to the sea, but faces financial Nakba

Lester Golden
Lessons from History


Anti-gravity tech made the Great Jew Haul float better than Teddy Kennedy’s car

And so Qatar Airways finally passed a geography test:

Qatar Airways in-flight map finally accurate

Previously we saw how Israeli tech wizards deployed at scale the anti-gravity metal Corbynite, named for its discoverer, Hamas buddy Jeremy Corbyn, to move Israelis back to where they came from. In a secret government project, this covert conspiracy undid a century of white Euro-American settler colonization of Palestine. Israel’s Elders of Zion diversified and globalized Jewish sovereignty virtually, creating a multi-geolocated networked nation, with an air force based in a Ben Gurion Airport afloat in the Aegean.

Israelis and their assets took a Corbynite-driven Big Float to emigrate from Startup Nation to Startup Elsewhere Nation. They upgraded Golda Meir’s secret weapon — “we have nowhere else to go” — to “we’re strong enough to defend Jews everywhere.”

So how did the “Palestinians”* and their Arab neighbors react to seeing their fondest wish — “Palestine free, from the river to the sea” — suddenly go from fantasy to…



Lester Golden
Lessons from History

From Latvia & Porto I write to share learning from an academic&business life in 8 languages in 5 countries & seeing fascism die in Portugal&Spain in1974 & 1976.