Peter Jefferson the Bald Eagle

Jennifer Marie
Lessons from History
3 min readOct 23, 2020


The U.S. Mint’s Beloved Mascot

From — The University of Rare Coins

An Unusual Home
From 1830–1836 an eagle claimed his home at the U.S. Mint located in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania on 7th Street.

This was the first building of the Republic that was constructed under the American Constitution. During this period, Philadelphia was the capital of the United States.

The bald eagle has been the American symbol since 1782 and the fact that Peter took up residence at the U.S. Mint building fascinated everyone in the Treasury Department. The government officials that worked in the building were accustomed to having Peter around and he was completely comfortable being among the humans.

During daytime hours the eagle would fly around the building freely. In the late evenings, as everyone was headed home for the day, Peter was let out to fly around the city. Each morning he would be waiting on the employees to let him back into the building. It was a ritual that all of the workers enjoyed and looked forward to.

A Terrible Tragedy

Unfortunately, in 1836, Peter was perched on top of a coin press when it abruptly started.

When this happened, the eagle’s wing became stuck in the press which caused a severe injury. The employees jumped into action and…



Jennifer Marie
Lessons from History

Embracing change and learning to let go. Writer of history, politics, poetry and everyday life.