Remote Controlled Aircraft In World War II

Both Axis and Allied forces in World War II used remote-controlled aircraft but with different technologies.

Karthick Nambi
Lessons from History



Militaries around the world adopt new technologies quickly. The latest trend is the use of drones to attack enemies.

These drones are small agile, and lethal. In World War II, both Axis and Allied forces used drones, but they were huge, actually as large as bombers. Both Germany and Britain experimented with uncrewed aircraft with little success.

The Fight for the Skies

A dogfight.Source:

The Luftwaffe (German air force) and Royal Air Force of Britain (RAF) locked horns in World War II to control Europe’s airspace.

After World War I, Germany faced massive sanctions, which crippled its air force. Luckily with the help of Russia, the Germans were able to rebuild their air force in secrecy. When World War II started, the Luftwaffe was in a better position than the RAF.

The Luftwaffe was a part of the German Blitzkrieg strategy, which mowed down country after country in Europe. The Luftwaffe’s Messerchidmt…

