The Scandalous Love Life of Roman Emperor Nero

Nero had sex with his mother, kicked his pregnant wife to death, and married a castrated man

Peter Preskar
Lessons from History


Realistic recreation of Roman Emperor Nero (Image:

Nero (37-68 AD) was a Roman emperor known for the burning of Rome and the persecution of Christians. Historians consider him as one of the craziest rulers of the Roman Empire. His reign of terror ended with the civil war and his forced suicide in 68 AD. Nero is a great historical example for the following saying:

‘Absolute power corrupts absolutely.’

Nero’s love life was even crazier than his governance of the empire.

Nero had an insane sex life

Roman orgy (Painting by Thomas Couture)

In his enormous palace Domus Aurea in Rome, Nero organized orgies that would last for days. The guests ate until they vomited and had sex until they fell asleep from exhaustion.

If you believe you have strange sexual desires, you are wrong.

Besides orgies, Nero enjoyed a rather unusual fetish. He ordered naked girls and boys to be tied to stakes. Then he dressed up like a wild animal and jumped on them, pretending to eat their genitals.

