Seven Essential Movies On Early American History

These epics will take you on a journey of early American stories

Jake M.
Lessons from History


Photo by Joel Muniz on Unsplash

From the Colonization of Jamestown to the Salem Witch Trials and the American Revolution, I have always been interested in American history. But studying it can sometimes feel daunting. You might also think, “Where do I start?”

For history buffs, watching movies is a great way to learn more about filmmaking and storytelling (many of these war movies have incredible behind-the-scenes features). For film fans, it’s an equally great way to learn about history. This list only scratches the surface of the incredibly complicated and dense and history of our world and American history, but they may just spark the same interest.

“The New World” | 1607–1617 | Colonization of Jamestown

Rating: 9/10 | Historical Accuracy: 5/10

“The New World” (2005). Dir. Terrance Malick. Photo Courtesy of New Line Cinema.

I was completely blown away with this movie. Any film fan will tell you that Terrance Malick is one of the greats, and wow — I enthralled with this. The film primarily accounts the love story between English Colonial John Smith and…



Jake M.
Lessons from History

2x Top Writer. A blogger in love with Texas. Writing on art, music, movies, geopolitics, history, & culture. Weekly emails on Substack: