Shakespeare Did Not Write His Plays, Claim Solid Theories

Did Shakespeare really write his plays?

Lessons from History



History relies on the facts and figures — it simply hates a vacuum. For years now, people have doubted the credibility of Shakespeare.

Questions like did he write his play maybe or maybe not, and if he didn’t, then who did, boggle several curious minds. Interestingly, all the seeds of doubt got sown after two centuries of his death.

In the17th and 18th Centuries in Europe — the doubts which did not exist during his life sprang up. What led to such conspiracy theories? Let’s dive in:

Reasons for questioning Shakespeare?

Several writers began questioning how a poorly schooled, untraveled man could extensively write on topics on which he did not possess any first-hand knowledge.

How could Shakespeare know about the court’s life and legal process in much detail? Similarly, questions regarding the knowledge he had about the other countries began springing up. People further began doubting the knowledge he had which never got translated into English.

The few items, which in no way testified his authorship, were: six signatures, his marriage record with Anne Hathawa, two portraits, some business translation…



Lessons from History

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