She Married Her Son and Tricked Her Daughter Into Marriage Too

This mother was obsessed with marrying her own children

Lioness Rue
Lessons from History


Patricia and her daughter Misty — image from

A Google search of the name Patricia Ann Spann will take you to a strange bio of a woman whose listed spouses are exactly similar to her listed biological children.

This story is about huge deception, manipulation, and disgusting behavior from a woman estranged from her three children. When she finally located them, she used the opportunity to tie herself to them using unspeakable ways.

In Oklahoma, U.S.A., in 2001, Patricia Ann Spann lost her husband, James D Spann. The couple had three children together: two boys, Jody Span Jr, Cody Spann, and a girl, Misty Velvet Dawn Spann.

But, due to unspecified reasons, Patricia lost custody of her children soon after her husband’s death. The children’s paternal grandmother adopted the three children and filled in as their biological mother on legal documents.

She Dated and Then Married Her Son, Jody

Thus, the children grew up in the care of their paternal grandmother until some became young adults. They never got the chance to see their birth mother during that period. After many years, Patricia introduced herself as a potential date to her…

