Six Interesting Facts About William the Conqueror

Do you know these facts about William the Conqueror?

Jacob Wilkins
Lessons from History
5 min readMay 11, 2023


A painting of William the Conqueror by an unknown artist, c. 1600 (Wikimedia Commons)

William the Conqueror is one of those kings that every English child learns about during our early school days. Unfortunately, our teachers tend to focus on the events of 1066 and leave out the rest.

Granted, the Battle of Hastings is impossible to ignore when discussing William the Conqueror, but there are many additional facts worth knowing about, including a troubled coronation, a bloody slaughter, and a rather embarrassing funeral.

1. William Was an Illegitimate Child

A photograph of a statue of Robert the Magnificent in Falaise by Michael Shea, 2006 (Wikimedia Commons)

William was born in either 1027 or 1028 in the Duchy of Normandy, and — contrary to what you might expect — his parents were not married.

William’s father, Duke Robert I (also known as Robert the Magnificent), fell for a young woman named Herleva, who was the daughter of a local tanner. Herleva became Robert’s concubine, and she gave birth to William approximately a year later.

Despite his illegitimacy, William was brought up to be his father’s heir, with the Duke encouraging his son’s…

