The Bible’s Been Changed way More Than you Realize
Muslims believe the Bible has been altered to allow the consumption of alcohol.
The Bible is one of the most influential texts in human history, shaping cultures and beliefs for millennia. However, the idea of its unchanging nature is more myth than reality.
From its origins in oral tradition to the written Gospels, countless changes, translations, and interpretations have altered its content. This article discusses how much the Bible has evolved over time, evaluating the perception of its inerrancy and divine preservation.
The Formation of the New Testament
The stories of Jesus and his teachings were initially shared orally among his followers. This oral tradition was crucial for spreading his message, especially during a time when many were illiterate.
However, the reliance on oral transmission introduced challenges in maintaining the accuracy of these accounts. Stories can change with each retelling, and without a written record, it becomes difficult to ensure consistency and fidelity to the original events.
The Gospels were written several decades after Jesus’ death, with the first, Mark, appearing around 70 AD. The authors of the Gospels, traditionally…