The Bizarre History Of The Bat Bomb

Quick Hint: This wasn’t a device used by Batman

Erik Brown
Lessons from History


Picture From The Atlantic’s Article: Old, Weird Tech: The Bat Bombs of World War II

I wasn’t sure if this story is more comedy or actual history. Maybe it’s a bit of both. The one thing I can tell you though, no matter how crazy it sounds, it’s true.

It really happened.

You can spend endless time studying WWII. It’s a complicated subject, from geopolitics, strategy, and economics. However, this is a small nugget hidden away between the larger pillars. A strange story that seems to have gone untold. The story of a crazy idea. A crazy idea that actually worked — in its own little way.

Our little story involves an ingenious way to deliver destruction to your enemy from the air. Then again, it just may have been crazy and misguided. I’ll leave it to you decide.

Before there were guided missiles and drones. There was the bat bomb!

How The Idea Came About

Lytle Adams — Screenshot From Top Secret Weapons Revealed — American Heroes Channel

When one thinks of the designer of a top secret weapon, you of course think of a Pennsylvania dentist. On December 7, 1941 Lytle Adams, a dentist, was spending his vacation in Carlsbad Cavern and…

