The Chilling Story of Friedrich Haarmann — Germany’s Worst Serial Killer

The German serial killer who killed, raped, butchered and cannibalized young men.

The True Historian
Lessons from History


Friedrich Haarmann | Image Source: The Lineup

Friedrich Heinrich Karl ‘Fritz’ Haarmann, became infamously known as ‘The Butcher of Hanover,’ after committing a series of murders of over 24 young males. For almost six years, Friedrich served as a police informant, which made him an unlikely suspect as he hunted down and killed his victims. While he confessed to nearly 30 murders, he was suspected to actually have been responsible for a lot more.

A Brief Insight Into the Early Life of Friedrich Haarmann

Friedrich Haarmann was born in Hanover, Germany on October 25, 1879. He was the sixth child of Ollie and Johanna Haarmann, a poor couple who struggled to make ends meet for their large family. As a child, Friedrich seemed to display more feminine characteristics than a typical boy of his age. He also displayed some sadistic tendencies, which involved him tying his sisters up and scaring them, and threatening to report his father to the police for (allegedly) having murdered a train driver.

Friedrich was not the best student either; he was forced to attend a military academy after regular school did not work out for him, and…



The True Historian
Lessons from History

Archivist, Historian, and Doctoral Student | Anti-Slavery Activist and DEI Advocate