The Chimpanzee Who Mauled The Face Of A 55-Year-Old Woman

Was her new hair style the reason Travis attacked her?

Reginald Ben-Halliday
Lessons from History


Charla Nash with Travis the chimpanzee chimp in Stamford, Conn., during happier times.

February 16, 2009.

At around 3:40 p.m. 55-year-old Charla Nash pulled over at her friend’s home. she was there to help her 70-year-old friend Sandra Herold bring in her 200-pound Pet Chimp, who had left the house to the yard and had refused to come back in.

With a new hairstyle, a different car, and a tickle-me-Elmo doll in one hand (the doll is said to be one of the chimp’s favorite toys), she walks into the yard where Sandra’s pet Chimp was and held the toy over her face to catch his attention. The Chimp stood about 35 feet away from Nash staring at her. Expecting a friendly greeting from the Pet Chimp who she knew and played with ever since she knew the Herold family, but what she got instead was an enraged chimp charging toward her.

“Travis!” Sandra shouted. “… Stop! It’s Charla”

To no avail, the Chimp knocks Nash to the side of her car and then to the ground. Nash’s face was covered with blood.

Noticing her pet chimp wasn’t going to stop hurting Nash, Sandra quickly grabbed a snow shovel to hit him on the head. Unfazed by it he continued hurting Nash.

