The Clash Which Started World War II in Asia- The Marco Polo Bridge Incident

Japan accused China of mistrust over a minor skirmish, which ended as a full-fledged war between the neighbors.

Karthick Nambi
Lessons from History


Marco Polo Bridge.Source-Wikipedia

Its a bridge at the entrance of the city of Beijing. There was a verbal argument between Japanese officials and Chinese officials.

The oral argument turned into a full-scale war that started years before World War II. The war resulted in the death of millions of Chinese and, in the end, split China into two factions and started a civil war.

Japan’s Expansion And China’s downfall:

Opium war.Source-Wikipedia

Japan had a militaristic society controlled by feudal leaders for centuries. Japan moved from a feudal system to democracy, but it was short-lived.

The Japanese military exerted a significant influence on the Japanese government. Japan expanded its Imperialistic expansion to counter the effects of the Great Depression.

Also, Japan’s leaders felt they needed to acquire colonies in Asia as the Western Powers were. Japan started its expansion…

