The Cold Stare Of A Russian Soldier Who Survived A Brutal War In Ukraine

Evgeny Stepanovich Kobytev and the Thousand-Yard Stare

Reginald Ben-Halliday
Lessons from History


A before and after photographs of Evgeny Stepanovich Kobytev.

The two photographs above are photographs of one man from two different times. The photo on the left showed a healthy face looking at you, the other on the right showed a thinner, tired-looking face plastered with wrinkles, and this face wasn’t just looking at you. It appeared to be looking through you.

The man in the photograph was an artist named Evgeny Stepanovich Kobytev. The two photographs above were displayed in the Andrei Pozdeev museum.

The photograph on the left shows the day before Kobytev left to fight the German forces in 1941, and on the right, showed the day he returned from a four-year War in 1945.

The photograph on the right was The Human Face after witnessing 4-years of a No-rule war on the Eastern front.

Born on the 25th of December 1910, in the village of Altai, in the Southern part of Russia, Evgeny Stepanovich Kobytev graduated from a pedagogical school and then worked as a teacher in the rural areas of Krasnoyarsk. His passion was painting, especially portraits and panoramas from daily life.

In 1936, he began studying at the Kyiv State Art Institute in Ukraine. He graduated with…

