The Dark Ugly Side of Dr. Seuss Might Surprise You

His shocking life: from racism & cheating to obsessive eroticism.

Lessons from History


Every story of Dr. Seuss held a deeper, darker side, and this fact sits true for his personal life as well.

Every story of Dr. Seuss held a deeper, darker side, and this fact sits true for his personal life as well.

The characters of Dr. Seuss’s stories were dynamic and dangerous — like that cat-wearing hat that had the potential of destroying the house. Interestingly, Dr. Seuss was dangerous, too, as he destroyed lives — at least of his wife.

Born on March 2, 1904, Theodor Seuss Geisel grew up in Springfield, MA, where he crafted his art of inking the most absorbing literature under a pseudo. What is the story of the pseudo? He had to take a pen name when he lost his editor in chief job for drinking in prohibition.

Immense accumulated success after dropping the first book, “And To Think That I Saw It On Mulberry Street,” gave Dr. Seuss confidence to punch out more classics — that too for several decades.

In between his successful career, Dr. Seuss did surface his dark side, but it, at large, remained unknown to many. Let’s dive into the other side of the personality of children’s favorite storyteller.



Lessons from History

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