The Deaths of Dyatlov Pass Still A Mystery

In 1959, nine Russian hikers were found dead in the snow; one of them missing his eyes and tongue

Meghan Madness
Lessons from History


Photo of the victims (taken off BBC article)

The tent was cut from inside, and their bodies were found barely clothed, bruised, mutilated, and frozen.

Tired and exhausted, we started to prepare for the night. Not enough firewood. Frail, damp spruce. We made a fire on logs, reluctant to dig a hole. Dinner right in the tent. It’s warm. – journal entry –

Kholat Syakhl, which translates to “Dead Mountain” in Mansi (the local mountain people,) Is a mountain in the northern Ural region of Russia.

A team of nine Russian hikers, who were an experienced trekking group, started their journey to the mountain.

Igor Dyatlov was a 23-year-old radio engineering student at the Ural Polytechnical Institute. He gathered a team of nine students to embark on an adventure that would turn out to be one of Russia’s greatest conspiracies.

The team of nine:

  • Igor Dyatlov (age-23)
  • Yuri Nikolayevich Doroshenko (age-21)
  • Lyudmila…



Meghan Madness
Lessons from History

I Write about controversial subjects. Typically Religious.