The Disgusting Story of an Evil Nazi Doctor, Josef Mengele

An angel of death or a candidate for the devil himself?

Lessons from History
5 min readApr 28, 2021


Photo Credits: Spiegel

Throughout history, there have been many atrocities committed by humans against their fellow human beings. These humans qualify as monsters, ranging from Genghis Khan, who enjoyed piling up decapitated heads and making a tower out of it, to serial killers like Jack the Ripper, whose gruesome murders have solidified his name as one of the evilest people to exist on Earth.

History is filled with many more examples of these monsters. In this article, we will look at one such individual, someone who is called the ‘Angel of Death’, but his name should in no way or form be ever taken in the same sentence as an angel. Dr. Josef Mengele is an easy candidate for being the devil himself.


Josef Mengele was born on March 16, 1911, to a relatively well-off family that owned a business producing farming equipment. Described as a studious and inquisitive student, Mengele took a particular interest in psychology and studied it in his bachelor’s at the University of Munich. During his studies, it is said that he was in contact with several high-ranking influential Nazi leaders and eventually took inspiration from Alfred Rosenberg’s teachings. This is where Mengele developed…



Lessons from History

I am a History Educator and a Lifelong Learner with a Masters in Global History.