The Disturbing Truth About the Bathrooms in Ancient Rome

A brief look at ancient romans and their toilets.

Lessons from History
6 min readSep 13, 2022


Photo Credits: Wikimedia Commons (Public Domain)

Some people believe that Romulus, the son of Mars, the god of battle, laid the foundation for the city of Rome atop the Palatine Hill! No one can deny that ancient Rome had a significant influence on the development of western civilization, regardless of which of the numerous stories they believe to be true.

Ancient Romans were a people noted for their military, political, and social institutions. They were also known for their conquest of enormous swaths of land in Europe and northern Africa, as well as the construction of highways and aqueducts and the widespread dissemination of Latin, their prided language.

Modern American and Western civilizations generally regard ancient Rome as the pinnacle of Western civilization. However, pondering their daily routines, one can conclude that, despite their achievements, the ancient Romans indulged in numerous acts that many people today would find repugnant. Consider, for example, what many of those ostensibly “civilized” folks did when they needed to use the restroom!

Communal Bathrooms

Many of the uncovered restrooms at Pompeii and elsewhere were communal. They were stunning in many cases, with murals on the…



Lessons from History

I am a History Educator and a Lifelong Learner with a Masters in Global History.