The Disturbing Truth Behind “Sacred” Prostitution in Ancient Greece

Hetaira and sex work in Ancient Greece.

The True Historian
Lessons from History


Image Source: Wikimedia Commons (No Known Copyright Restrictions)

The ancient Greeks were instrumental in shaping modern culture. The legacy of their way of life, their philosophy, and their architecture survives to this day.

Many people think that ancient Greece was the place where the Western culture began. Examining their way of life reveals both parallels with modern society and traditions that have been abandoned in favor of more modern practices.

The ancient Greeks are responsible for many of the contemporary democratic institutions, including the alphabet, written language, and the Olympic Games. However, an aspect of their society that is extraordinarily understudied and peculiar is their system of prostitution!

The Hierarchy

In Athens, we begin our exploration of the prostitute industry. Foreign travelers and traders, including many single men acting as ship crew, came to the polis from all across ancient Greece and beyond.

Solon, the great Athenian lawmaker who established the foundation for democracy, saw the economic benefits of the “oldest profession” as early as the Archaic Period; thus, it was not to be overlooked. He legalized prostitution, which became a city-wide event and…



The True Historian
Lessons from History

Archivist, Historian, and Doctoral Student | Anti-Slavery Activist and DEI Advocate