The Dictator’s Heir

The Enigma of Kim Yo-jong: North Korea’s Rising Star

Exploring the life and potential future of Kim Jong Un’s sister and closest confidante.

Mehdi E.
Lessons from History
4 min readOct 14, 2023


Kim Yo Jong attending a wreath-laying ceremony at Ho Chi Minh Mausoleum in Hanoi on March 2, 2019, via JORGE SILVA/REUTERS
Kim Yo Jong attending a wreath-laying ceremony at Ho Chi Minh Mausoleum in Hanoi on March 2, 2019, via JORGE SILVA/REUTERS

In the secretive world of North Korean politics, few figures remain as enigmatic and intriguing as Kim Yo-jong, the younger sister of the nation’s leader, Kim Jong Un.

As whispers of her rising influence echo through international corridors, the world watches with bated breath. Who is this woman, and what might her future hold for North Korea and its relations with the world?

A Royal Upbringing: Born into Power

Kim Yo-jong was born in 1987, the daughter of North Korea’s second leader, Kim Jong-il, and his consort, Ko Yong-hui.

Growing up in the heart of the North Korean elite, she was privy to the inner workings of the regime from a tender age. Her childhood was a blend of luxury and strict discipline, typical of the North Korean ruling class.

From an early age, she was exposed to the intricacies of power, attending the same Swiss school as her brother, Kim Jong Un, under pseudonyms. This elite school in Bern, Switzerland, provided her with a unique perspective, allowing her to interact with children from…



Mehdi E.
Lessons from History

Journalist & Amateur Historian. I have a knack for digging out little-known, yet interesting, historical facts.