The Fascinating Story of the Protest that Sparked the American Revolution

The Boston Tea Party was a protest organized on December 16, 1773, by the American resistance group, ‘Sons of Liberty’.

Lessons from History
5 min readDec 29, 2020


Boston Tea Party | Photo Credits: DK Find Out

BBrimming with intriguing events and shocking incidents, American history has always been an interesting subject to explore. One comes across countless unusual and bizarre happenings that would otherwise hold significant historical importance.

One such incident is the shocking story of the Boston Tea Party. Before delving into the tale, however, it is important to note that it was one of the fundamental drivers of the American revolutionary war. Seen as an act of American defiance against the British colonial rule, the Boston Tea Party of 1773 inspired many colonists to pick up arms and initiate both passive and aggressive resistance.

Despite its eccentric name, the tea party was a political protest by the American resistance group called the ‘Sons of Liberty’. On the eve of December 16th, 1773, members of the Sons of Liberty and other residents of Boston disguised themselves in Mohawk attire and boarded three ships of the British East India company moored at the Griffin’s Wharf.



Lessons from History

I am a History Educator and a Lifelong Learner with a Masters in Global History.