Why George Washington Gale Ferris, Jr. Invented the Ferris Wheel

A strange story of jealousy and pride and millionaires

J.J. Pryor
Lessons from History


1889 was a big year for France. It was the country’s turn to host the next World’s Fair — an international exposition of technology and architecture.

It was also the year a new monument took over the record for the world’s tallest freestanding structure.

Initially mocked for its sexy curves and strange outcropping, the Eiffel Tower soon became a monument of Paris. Within 6 months of opening at the Exposition Universelle — for those romantic wine lovers amongst us — it received almost 2 million visitors.

The former tallest structure? The Washington Monument.

Now that shouldn’t be a notable thing until you think about two small considerations:

  • Americans were not fond of being outdone on the world stage
  • It was America’s turn to host the next World’s Fair in 1893


Chicago, 1893

The 1890s were a hectic decade. There was a worldwide financial crisis going on.

The Spanish-American War was just around the corner. Strikes were raging across the US. X-Rays were invented — to the early…



J.J. Pryor
Lessons from History

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