The German Emperor In Exile — Kaiser Wilhelm — II

Kaiser Wilhelm II, who led Germany into World War I, lived in exile in the Netherlands and saw Germany start World War II.

Karthick Nambi
Lessons from History


Kaiser Wilhelm-II.Source-

A train from Germany entered the border town of the Netherlands. Dutch customs officers stopped the train for a routine inspection.

The customs officers were shocked when they saw a passenger on the train. It was Kaiser Wilhelm II, the King of Prussia and Emperor of Germany.

Wilhelm, who led Germany into World War I, eventually lived in exile where watched Germany slip into Nazism and its fateful decision to start World War II.

World War I:

Wilhelm with Nicholas II of Russia.Source-

The European monarchs were in a constant struggle to control Europe. The rulers were related to each other in a complex web of marriages and alliances.

For example, Queen Victoria’s husband, Albert, was from the German family of Saxe-Coburg and Gotha. Victoria married off her daughters to various monarchs in Europe and consolidated her hold on the continent.

