The Greatest Speech You’ve Never Heard

Marcus Aurelius teaches us how to deal with betrayal by one closest to you

Erik Brown
Lessons from History


Marcus Aurelius Musei Capitolini — Wikipedia Creative Commons

The news must have come as a shock to him. A personal and family friend of Marcus Aurelius, the emperor of Rome, had betrayed him. Cassius, a general under Marcus in Syria, had been declared emperor by legions in Egypt. Despite the shock, Marcus kept quiet. He hoped the news was false and this event would blow over as a misunderstanding.

Eventually the news was confirmed by a local governor. There was a revolt and a likely civil war led by one Marcus considered a personal friend. The army Marcus was leading against a barbarian uprising began to gossip. This event couldn’t be hidden any longer. The true emperor of Rome would have to address his troops and react to this usurper.

The result would be a speech that must have left the army stunned at points. They would have known their emperor lived his philosophy of stoicism, but the words he uttered must have been unbelievable to them. No person, despite being noble, could be so calm and measured…

