The History of Julian Assange And Wikileaks

Who Is Wikileaks’ Julian Assange And What Did He Do?

Lessons from History


wikileaks — Photo by Markus Spiske on Unsplash

Wikileaks is a non-profit organization founded by Julian Assange that publishes documents of political or historical importance that are censored or otherwise suppressed. They specialize in strategic global publishing and large archives.

According to Curtis Dickinson Wikileaks was founded by a whistleblower with a big mistrust of government. He believes transparency is important. And he is achieving his purpose very well. Should all projects the government plans be made public?

I believe not because the average consumer is filled with ideology that doesn’t work when the masses are affected. And nothing would be achieved if a public vote helped every plan. And they work hard to do what is best without giving themselves away. But they can and do go too far.

It is human to err. Wikileaks the whistleblower usually reports things that have gone further than they should. It is a counterbalance to overreaching policy. It exposes secrecy. Is that good or bad? Depends. Usually, whistleblowers want to do the right thing and not expose secrets just for the…



Lessons from History

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