The History of Toilets

Have a good look before you flush down the contents

Bhavnaa Narula
Lessons from History


Photo by Phil Hearing on Unsplash

Except for a few parts of India, where toilets are still a luxury, everybody else poops in a toilet. But it wasn't always this luxurious to go and relieve yourself as it is today. It would be hard for you to believe that visiting the toilet used to be, once, a group activity. Disturbing, isn't it?

So how did we go from defecating in the open to sitting comfortably on a piece of art? Let us take a look in the history books to understand the history of toilets, before it becomes intolerable and flush the contents down the sewage system.

Toilets were first invented around 2500 BCE

The first-ever signs of a toilet and sewage system were observed in Northern India and Pakistan, in and around 2500 BCE. The Indus Valley Civilizations, was way, way ahead of their times when it came to planning the construction of houses. They were the only ones who could have a separate room dedicated to defecation.

These rooms had drainage pipes that were connected centrally to the city’s sewage system, which could be flushed as easily as dumping…



Bhavnaa Narula
Lessons from History

I am a dancer who writes what her heart dictates. My Insta ID- theaquarianparadise/ thedancingparadise28