The MIG-23 Crash That almost triggered A World War

At the end days of the Cold War, a MIG-23 crashed in Belgium, but luckily, due to diplomacy, World War III was averted.

Karthick Nambi
Lessons from History


Photo by Artur Voznenko on Unsplash

It’s 1989, and the Cold War was subsiding. Both sides were taking a relaxed approach when it came to aggression.

In 1989, a Russian MIG-23 fighter plane strayed into Belgium’s airspace. The incident almost caused World War III.

The Cold War

Photo by Kevin James Shay on Unsplash

After World War II, an Iron Curtain descended on the European continent. Capitalist USA and Communist Russia were in an indirect confrontation to dominate the world.

The war divided Europe into two halves. The USA formed an alliance called North Atlantic Treaty Organization or NATO. If any country attacks a NATO member country, NATO countries will unite and protect it.

The tensions between the USA and USSR peaked during the Cuban Missile Crisis and the minor tussle at Checkpoint Charlie, a border crossing between West and East Berlin, in 1962. Though both sides supported many countries, they never fought directly against each…

