The Most Bizare Battle in History – The Attack of The Dead Men

Russian zombies charge the Germans in World War 1

Meghan Madness
Lessons from History


Photo by Hasan Almasi on Unsplash

The Attack of the “Dead Men” was a battle of World War I that took place at the Osowiec Fortress, in northeast Poland, on August 6, 1915.

The German soldiers were waiting for the air to pick up before launching a gas attack at the unsuspecting Russian combatants. When they did attack, the invasion began with artillery bombardment combined with chlorine gas.

The Germans attacked with 14 battalions of infantry, sappers, siege guns, and artillery. The Russians had around 900 men defending the fortress.

Most of the Russian soldiers had either no mask or poorly made gas masks that would soon prove to be no help at all. When the Germans attacked with the fumes, the Russians had zero protection.

Because the gas mixed with the water in the air, and the water in the lungs of the Russian defenders, the Russian soldiers didn’t just choke from the gas; it turned the chlorine into hydrochloric acid which began to melt the lungs and throats of the soldiers, their skin began to peel – resulting in the entire fortress scrambling to halt their decomposition with wet rags.



Meghan Madness
Lessons from History

I Write about controversial subjects. Typically Religious.