The Most Violent Prisoner in Britain is Actually a Best-Selling Fitness Author

He wrote a fitness book in prison

Nikhil Vemu
Lessons from History


The lockdown gave people boredom.
Boredom made people restless.
Restlessness paved way to new hobbies.
And most of them are ‘writing’.

We wouldn’t typically think a best selling author being a prisoner. It’s surprising to know some of the famous books in the world were written & published from prisons. For example:

Prison provided them lots of free time (boredom) and they used it for writing. Today we see their works as mirrors of their psychology, attitudes, and the happenings in the past. They top the most famous books list even today.

But here comes a weird case.

His name is Charles Bronson, famously known as ‘The Most Violent Prisoner in Britain. He wrote his book ‘Solitary Fitness’ while serving in a jail room that is largely insufficient for his size.

