The Mysterious Murder Of The Founder Of Renault Automotive Company

Louis Renault was charged with treason and died in prison under unusual circumstances.

Karthick Nambi
Lessons from History


Photo by Sébastien Chiron on Unsplash

It’s a prison in Paris that held some of France’s notorious criminals. Among them was an entrepreneur who shaped the French automotive sector.

Was it a scandal that led to his downfall, or was he labeled a traitor? Whatever may be the case, he will never leave the prison alive. The entrepreneur was Louis Renault, founder of the Renault automotive company.

Louis Renault

Louis Renault.Source-

Louis Renault was born in Paris in 1877. He was excited about bikes and later shifted his attention to cars. The time was ripe as Europe was on the fever of owning an automobile.

Louis Renault faced stiff competition, especially from German automobile companies. He could carve himself a name in automotive history through his hard work.

During World War, I Renault helped the French government by manufacturing tanks and ammunition for the French army. In World War II, things were not so easy. The German military was quick…

