The Nanking Massacre: 80,000 Gang-Rapes and Millions Were Killed

The Forgotten Holocaust

Krishna V Chaudhary
Lessons from History


Dead bodies near Nanking | Image Source- Wikimedia Commons

The most brutal war in history is the Sino-Japanese war. In this war, the Japanese Imperial Army invaded China and shook humanity by their atrociousness and brutality.

The Nanking Massacre is one of the darkest events of Chinese and the world history.

They even won the Korean Peninsula in the first sino war. In the second Sino-Japanese war, which was in 1937, the Japanese imperial army became one of the world's strongest armies.

They did not see who was on their front and kept killing everyone. Infants, women, men, or old, they killed them all.

The Chinese Civil War made its army weaker

When Japan was making its army more powerful, a different scenario was running in China.

A fierce and aggressive struggle was going on between the KMT party and Communist leader Mao Zadong. Ultimately power came in favor of Mao Zadong, which led to the rise of C ommunism in China.

Due to the fight for power, China neither had worked in the nation's development nor made their army stronger.



Krishna V Chaudhary
Lessons from History

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