The Nazi Who Escaped Justice — Gestapo Müller

Heinrich Müller, the German secret police head, unleashed terror in occupied Europe in World War II.

Karthick Nambi
Lessons from History


Heinrich Müller. Source-

It was almost the end of World War II for Berlin. The Russian army started to bombard Berlin with its artillery. Inside Hitler’s bunker were his close confidants who came to see him for one last time.

The bunker now had the who’s who of the Nazi Party. These Nazi leaders indiscriminately killed millions of people in the name of party ideology. Among them was a Nazi leader who had the least affiliate to the party ideology but killed people for personal satisfaction. He was Henrich Müller, or as others call him, Gestapo Müller.

Early Life

Müller with top Nazi officials. Source-

Heinrich Müller was born in Munich. He associated himself with the Schutzstaffel (SS), the paramilitary arm of the Nazi Party.

Müller was known for his disciplined and strict approach to issues and was promoted to a higher position and became a close confidant of Heinrich Himmler, the head of SS. Nazi leaders wanted to establish an internal police system to terrorize the general public like the…

