The Obnoxious History Of “Human Zoos” In — 11 Never Before Seen Pictures

Yes, there was a period when “elitist nations” confined “uncivilized humans” in cages alongside animals

Vishnu Arun
Lessons from History


The Obnoxious History Of “Human Zoos” In — 13 Never Before Seen Pictures
Source: Pic

Today, when we look back at the period of modern history, we get overwhelmed by the countless tales of climactic wars, heroic soldiers, and fierce revolutions that inspired millions all over the world. But pause for a moment and consider this:

“Have you ever tried to analyse these historical accounts from the perspective of the defeated?”

“History is and will always be written by the winners.”

This firmly betokens that the history we are taught today is not solely based on facts. It is instead a chaotic representation of events put together and propagated by a victorious conqueror.

Amidst this ocean of historical mix-match lies an “insignificant tale of discrimination” that begs our attention. It talks us through the long history of human exploitations and shakes our historical outlook on various grounds.

“The greatness of a nation and its moral progress can be judged by the way its animals are treated.” — Mahatma Gandhi

But what befalls a nation that forcefully kidnapped, locked up, and put thousands



Vishnu Arun
Lessons from History

A magical swordsman chasing butterflies through lores, breathing life into the enigmatic shadows of our collective past!