The Pigeons Who Became War Heroes

The creatures who dump on your car once saved lives

Erik Brown
Lessons from History


This is going to sound crazy, but there are several pigeons who were decorated, war heroes.

Throughout the two World Wars, communication wasn’t as easy as it is today. Many times when soldiers were stuck far away from their bases, there was no way to relay messages. Radio technology could still be difficult at points, so living messengers were necessary.

You may curse and call them “rats with wings” when they leave calling cards on your vehicle, but pigeons were saving angels for soldiers with no hope in this period. A famous American pigeon even resides in the Smithsonian Museum of Natural History right now. It even has a poem dedicated to it.

The creature you now see as a nuisance has been a savior to many. The British even developed a special award to honor birds within their service. You may think up a certain image or name when thinking of the term hero, but after reading this, the names Cher Ami, Princess, and Winkie may come to mind.

Cher Ami: Savior Of The Lost Battalion

