The Rise and Fall of Benito Mussolini in Italy 1922–1945

Old Times
Lessons from History
4 min readMar 2, 2021

Benito Mussolini Rise to Power

Photo by Michele Bitetto on Unsplash

Benito Mussolini was a born revolutionary leader from his birth 1883 to the day of his death in 1945. He created a movement in the twentieth century that would fall most of Europe into darkness. He created fascism that blessed ancient Rome, with the commitment to return the country to the jewels of the past.

What is Fascism?

The word “fascism” means a batch or group considered for a combative fellowship comes from the Italian “fascia.”

It is a form of patriotism or nationalism defined by dictatorial power, political philosophy, movement, suppression of opposition, and regimentation of a nation. This word fascism and fascist have has been associated with Benito Mussolini because he invented this political philosophy as an alternative to socialism. This fascist movement was born in Italy and changed Italy into a new society, using force when needed.

How did Benito Mussolini come to power?

By the end of the year, 1919 Mussolini took part in the general election as a candidate of fascism but lost in the election. He was arrested after two days of election for the allegation of collecting arms to beat the government. Later he was released without charges.

Italian king Victor Emmanuel Ill broke up parliament in the middle of growing violence and turmoil. Fascists won a large number of seats with Mussolini taking a seat as a representative.

The party transformed its name to Partito Nazionale Fascista. He was not only the leader of fascism but also the head of Italy. He selected ministers who were not members of his party. He presented the list of selected ministers to a king.

In 1922 all Fascist Party members became squad members and instructed to wear black shirts as uniforms. These fascists squads seized several Italian cities and burned the offices of the Socialist and Communist parties.

In October 1922, fascist squads entered Rome to take control of the city. Mussolini demanded to be made prime minister. King Victor Emmanuel lll took the position of the prime minister of Italy from Luigi Facta and gave it to Benito Mussolini. He became minister of Interior and Foreign Affairs too.

How Did Mussolini Maintain Power?

Mussolini did not become a dictator overnight, he connected with the people of Italy at mass rallies and through the power of a radio that was new technology at that time.

Mussolini’s economic plans conceptualized the fascist government’s excellence in Italy. Mussolini’s economic plans were nationwide hope and pride. Mussolini set a plan to focus on grain production to attain their goal. Mussolini focused on land reforms and economic ideology that were the reasons for Mussolini’s rise to strength and most contributory element.

Mussolini was praised as a genius man worldwide. He transformed his divided country and brought social reforms with the support of landowners and industrialists.

Mussolini’s political reforms played a major role in his success but changes in the economy led Italy to an era of fascism. Fascists owned 66% of the media and issued daily editorial guidelines for newspapers.

Mussolini might endure as a hero until his death had not his cruel xenophobia and pride, his misunderstanding of Italy’s fundamental requirements, and his dreams of the monarchy led him to seek foreign victory. Mussolini’s eye first rested upon Ethiopia, which was invaded by Italy in 1935.

In this invasion, Italians dropped tons of gas bombs upon the Ethiopian people. The League of Nations put penalties but confirmed that the list of illegal exports did not include any, such as oil that might stimulate European war.

Mussolini thought, if the League had imposed oil penalties he would have to evacuate from Ethiopia within a week. But he didn’t face such an issue.

In the start, Mussolini did not approve of Adolf Hitler, but later their coalition grew. Hitler encouraged Mussolini’s African adventure and under Hitler’s direction, Germany had not turned against Mussolini.

How was Mussolini defeated?

The Rome-Berlin Axis and a nasty coalition between Hitler and Mussolini that was to destroy them both tyrants. Mussolini’s government passed anti-Semitic laws in 1938 that set off against Jews in all areas of public and private life and made for the exile of some 20% of Italy’s Jews to German death centers during the war.

Hitler and Mussolini signed the “Pact of Steel” in 1939, which is made the Axis official. In 1940 Italy declared war on France and Great Britain.

After years of fighting in World War II in 1943, the people of Italy realized that they were losing. Mussolini’s Grand Council voted him out of power, arrested and sent him to the island of La Maddalena.

German forces entered Italy which divided the country into two countries. The King’s government controlled a pro-Allied region in the South, Fascists ruled a pro-German republic in the North.

How did Mussolini die?

Mussolini was rescued by Nazi commandos and transported to German-occupied Italy. In June 1945 he attempted to escape but was again arrested by partisans searching troop transport trucks.

There are a lot of controversies about the death of Mussolini, but his postmortem reports state that he was killed by a firing squad, shot by many bullets, four of them near the heart that causes sudden death.



Old Times
Lessons from History

History Writers writing all about what happened in the past old times.