The Printing Press: The Story of the Greatest Invention in History

It’s why you’re able to read this sentence

J.J. Pryor
Lessons from History
6 min readMar 9, 2021


A bunch of printing press keys
By Willi Heidelbach, CC by 2.5, WikiMediaCommons

What is the greatest invention in human history? It’s definitely an arguable point, that’s for sure.

Some scholars say it was the wheel, as it allowed us to move great distances much faster. Others like to point to nails and screws, as they gave us the ability to create structures, from small chairs to giant buildings.

The combustible engine, for crossing great distances. The telephone, for making long-distance dating a plausible thing (ya right).

Perhaps you're more inclined to look at the medical side of things. Penicillin, with its massively important anti-bacterial features, has certainly saved hundreds of millions, if not billions of people.

Or if you were a pope during the last century, you’d look upon condoms as having prevented the birth of nearly the same — while ignoring their hugely positive impact on humanity.

  • Airplanes — to let us soar like eagles through the clouds.
  • Spaceflight — to bring E.T. back home.
  • The internet — to virtualize bullying from the comfort of your home or White House.



J.J. Pryor
Lessons from History

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