The Strange Death of The Mugal King Babur

And the lessons we can draw from it

Prakash Joshi Pax
Lessons from History


Strange death of babur

Zahir-ud-din Muhammad Babur was the founder of the Mughal empire in the Indian subcontinent. He was the descendent of Timur and Genghis Khan through his father and mother respectively.

Babur was not only a military adventurer, he was also a poet with leadership skills and an engaging personality. It is said that he was so strong and fit that he could carry two men, one on each of his shoulders, and then climb slopes on the run, just for exercise. He swam across every major river he encountered and sometimes even against the flow of water.

Although being physically fit and strong, he died at an early age of 47 in 1530. His eldest son, Humayun succeeded him.

What led to Babur’s death at such an early age is a mystery but there are multiple theories about his death. Among all these theories, the following three are the most popular theories about his death.

Theory 1: He was poisoned

After alternating between victories and defeats, Babur finally slayed Ibrahim Lodi, Afghan sultan of Delhi. This was the beginning of the Mughal empire in India.

Babur didn’t kill Dilawar Begum, Lodi’s mother. He spared her life and let her stay in his own palace. But…



Prakash Joshi Pax
Lessons from History

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