The Swedish Major Smoking A Cigarette After Being Shot Twice

The Congo crisis.

Reginald Ben-Halliday
Lessons from History


A photograph of Eric Bonde

The photograph above was taken during the Congo Crisis between 1960 and 1965. The man in the photograph was major Eric Bonde, a soldier who was part of the Swedish UN mission to Congo during the crisis.

As you can see in the photograph, he received two bullets to his body. One to his arm and the other to his chest. Bonde and his colleagues were ambushed and shot probably by the Baluba warriors, whom at the time used a lot of old muzzle rifles or muskets.

The rifles used by the Baluba warriors were not as powerful as the rifles or guns used by the UN Soldiers.

As you can see in the photograph Bonde is holding a Swedish carl Gustaf m/45 Submachine gun.

Bonde was later given first aid treatment since the wounds were not deep and he later returned to the battle field.

Democratic Republic of the Congo(DRC) is a country in Central Africa. It is the second largest country in Africa and the 11th in the world with a population of around 105 million. The Country is regarded as the wealthiest country in the world in terms of natural resources. However due to the instability from years of wars, political upheaval, conflicts for raw materials etc, the DRC has remained one of the poorest countries in…

